Episode 717: J. David Miller, PhD - Relative Humidity; It’s More Than Just Mold
Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 7:51 pm
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Show Discussion:
12:03:38 From cliff zlotnik : TRIVIA?: Name the most toxic and carcinogenic mycotoxin that has been directly correlated with causing liver cancer in multiple animal species?
12:03:39 From OVS Secretary-Shelly : Aflatoxin
12:03:54 From cliff zlotnik : which one?
12:04:33 From cliff zlotnik : Aflatoxin is an incomplete answer
12:04:47 From Don Weekes : Aflatoxin B1
12:05:09 From cliff zlotnik : correct Don, please send the contact info
12:21:56 From Don Fugler : I’m familiar with the damp basements. How about what is happening with a duct inside a drywall chase operating during cooling season? Have you evidence of this being a common high RH/mold location?
12:30:43 From Tom Martin III : As you may know, Most PCP doctors don’t ask any of the questions they are trained to prescribe big pharmaceuticals and control.
The question arises: Can the value proposition of scientific indoor monitoring surpass traditional approaches known for inflating costs and perpetuating the same outdated operations strategies that impact in-person employees, customers, clients, and taxpayers funding Medicaid and Medicare tied to conventional operations? Why or why not?
12:34:58 From Don Fugler : It is more mold in the chase I was considering
12:35:45 From Danny Gough : @Tom Martin III - I would say never gonna happen unless the stakeholders see more $$ than peddling pharmaceuticals.
12:41:17 From Tom Martin III : Replying to "@Tom Martin III - I …"
Stakeholders can’t manage what they don’t measure.
12:45:50 From Tom Martin III : Replying to "@Tom Martin III - I …"
Stakeholders should be responsible for conducting indoor air diagnostic testing in accordance with the screening data.
12:47:54 From Tom Martin III : Replying to "@Tom Martin III - I …"
Obtaining real-time air screening data is cost-effective.
12:48:02 From Don Weekes : Does the target ranges for relative humidity and water activity vary depending on the climate zone where the building is located?
12:49:27 From Don Fugler : I know that outdoor particles and indoor cooking particles can be effectively reduced by good air cleaners. I have not seen such a study targeted to particles derived from indoor-growing allergens and dust mite debris.
12:50:49 From Danny Gough : @Don Fugler - Jim Rosenthal has some info on that.
12:58:42 From Tom Martin III : During my recent visit to Disney's Contemporary Resort with my kids, the high foot traffic on the carpeted areas resulted in dry conditions, as temperatures dropped and relative humidity consistently stayed below 30%, according to my portable screening tool. The constant movement stirred up dust mites, leading to numerous people sneezing and coughing. Stakeholders are needed to address employee productivity challenges. Wearing a mask was noticeably effective in reducing the risk in such circumstances.
13:00:15 From Tom Martin III : Great show ..
13:01:43 From Don Weekes : February, 2024
12:03:38 From cliff zlotnik : TRIVIA?: Name the most toxic and carcinogenic mycotoxin that has been directly correlated with causing liver cancer in multiple animal species?
12:03:39 From OVS Secretary-Shelly : Aflatoxin
12:03:54 From cliff zlotnik : which one?
12:04:33 From cliff zlotnik : Aflatoxin is an incomplete answer
12:04:47 From Don Weekes : Aflatoxin B1
12:05:09 From cliff zlotnik : correct Don, please send the contact info
12:21:56 From Don Fugler : I’m familiar with the damp basements. How about what is happening with a duct inside a drywall chase operating during cooling season? Have you evidence of this being a common high RH/mold location?
12:30:43 From Tom Martin III : As you may know, Most PCP doctors don’t ask any of the questions they are trained to prescribe big pharmaceuticals and control.
The question arises: Can the value proposition of scientific indoor monitoring surpass traditional approaches known for inflating costs and perpetuating the same outdated operations strategies that impact in-person employees, customers, clients, and taxpayers funding Medicaid and Medicare tied to conventional operations? Why or why not?
12:34:58 From Don Fugler : It is more mold in the chase I was considering
12:35:45 From Danny Gough : @Tom Martin III - I would say never gonna happen unless the stakeholders see more $$ than peddling pharmaceuticals.
12:41:17 From Tom Martin III : Replying to "@Tom Martin III - I …"
Stakeholders can’t manage what they don’t measure.
12:45:50 From Tom Martin III : Replying to "@Tom Martin III - I …"
Stakeholders should be responsible for conducting indoor air diagnostic testing in accordance with the screening data.
12:47:54 From Tom Martin III : Replying to "@Tom Martin III - I …"
Obtaining real-time air screening data is cost-effective.
12:48:02 From Don Weekes : Does the target ranges for relative humidity and water activity vary depending on the climate zone where the building is located?
12:49:27 From Don Fugler : I know that outdoor particles and indoor cooking particles can be effectively reduced by good air cleaners. I have not seen such a study targeted to particles derived from indoor-growing allergens and dust mite debris.
12:50:49 From Danny Gough : @Don Fugler - Jim Rosenthal has some info on that.
12:58:42 From Tom Martin III : During my recent visit to Disney's Contemporary Resort with my kids, the high foot traffic on the carpeted areas resulted in dry conditions, as temperatures dropped and relative humidity consistently stayed below 30%, according to my portable screening tool. The constant movement stirred up dust mites, leading to numerous people sneezing and coughing. Stakeholders are needed to address employee productivity challenges. Wearing a mask was noticeably effective in reducing the risk in such circumstances.
13:00:15 From Tom Martin III : Great show ..
13:01:43 From Don Weekes : February, 2024