Episode 723: Tina Brueckner, Elliott Horner, PhD & Don Weekes, CIH, CSP - Enhanced Indoor Air Quality

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Episode 723: Tina Brueckner, Elliott Horner, PhD & Don Weekes, CIH, CSP - Enhanced Indoor Air Quality

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Show Resources: 12:03:16 From cliff zlotnik : trivia- IN what year did the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers publish it's first Heating & Ventilating Guide?
12:08:11 From Lan Chi Nguyen Weekes - La Cité : Because he has a lot of time on his hands :)
12:09:14 From Travis West : ... and a supportive wife!
12:09:25 From Lan Chi Nguyen Weekes - La Cité : Reacted to "... and a supportive..." with 😂
12:20:00 From Travis West : It's practical if you manage a building, but it doesn't work often when you put people into a building. Tenants do what they want and are often the source of extreme particulate that managers don't have the ability to control
12:20:30 From Travis West : Certainly additional outdoor (diultion) air could help but at what cost.
12:26:42 From Lan Chi Nguyen Weekes - La Cité : it is true that smoking is still quite prevalent indoors elsewhere in the world.
12:27:45 From Scott Armour : “Wet enough, Long enough” is the simplest phrase when informing apple about risk of mold growth. There is so little awareness that mold growth is really Three stages - 1. Germination of spores, which each species has a different range of requirements (H2O avail, time, temp) during which nutrients do not matter, and 2. Growth, when cellular reproduction and metabolism are underway. This has different (but similar) H2O requirement and temp but also has the added factor of nutrients. This also has time factor for speed of mycelial growth, and then changes to conditions that may or may not trigger reproductive structures, and 3. Sporulation, not just the growth and maturation of the spores, but the active intentional release of spores into the environment.
12:28:17 From Scott Armour : People* not apple lol
12:29:22 From Travis West : Reacted to "People* not apple lo..." with 👍
12:29:35 From Scott Armour : Improved ACCESS - it should be law that EVERY a/c COILS have ez panel removal to inspect BOTH top and bottom (clean and dirty sides)….
12:33:30 From Scott Armour : Regarding “cleanliness” Can the panel address the difference between settled dirt and dust in the system (ducts, surfaces), and the “same” dirt and dust in the occupied spaces - long ago (early/mid 1990s, research and EPA showed that the settled dust is not likely to become re-aerosolized into the air and end up negatively impacting the IAQ. This is the basis for the reluctance of EPA to “recommend’ duct cleaning. It is also a point of misinformation in the Duct Cleaning AND Mold assessment/remeidaiotn sectors.
12:38:35 From pete consigli : Replying to "Hi Pete!!"
Hi Lan Chi!
12:40:07 From Scott Armour : The issue with NADCA is they never show the actual improvement to occupied spaces after duct cleaning -what really is the value of cleaning “trapped” dirt/dust - if it is never getting re-aerosolized, why remove (clean) it - it’s a non-factor to IAQ (“usually” - there is always the possibliity that this can be altered)
12:42:14 From Lan Chi Nguyen Weekes - La Cité : Eh. My school is pretty good but because I am there I suppose :)
12:48:32 From Scott Armour : Can you address the Health of occupants - is there info on how to assess either risk assessment of impact (particularly the reduction of risk thru implementation of the Guildeiine) and occupant complaints? Thank you.
12:52:33 From Ralph Froehlich : Does the ASHRAE guideline suggest or recommend numerical IAQ standards or guidelines?
12:59:34 From Lan Chi Nguyen Weekes - La Cité : I think you should do it Joe ! Retirement is just doing work for free :)
13:04:44 From Lan Chi Nguyen Weekes - La Cité : I am on the Health and Wellness PD of ASHRAE
13:07:43 From Scott Armour : While this broad definition of IEQ is somewhat new to Pete, the wll-educated Industrial Hygienist is familiar with these IEQ factors - does anyone rmember the CIH subspecialty for IEP that was around in at 1990s but dropped in 2001?
13:08:17 From Scott Armour : GREAT so glad you had this topic today
13:08:46 From Travis West : I remember that Scott
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